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All You need to know to Go Live on TikTok in 2024

Learn what is TikTok live and how you can go live on the app. Know the tips to make your TikTok live more engaging and explore the benefits of the same. Utilize all this information to make your live sessions more interactive.

Have you ever gone through a TikTok feed before and found that one livestream just kept you on the edge of your seat? Maybe you found yourself watching as your number one content creator funnily answered viewer’s questions or maybe there was an unexplainable adrenaline rush during a live music performance turning ordinary people into rock stars, or maybe you got a sneak peek into another person’s creative process. 

Whatever it was, most likely one would think that they too could do this. Well, guess what? They absolutely can! This blog covers everything that a creator must know to go live on TikTok and take their fame game to the next level!

Introduction To TikTok Live

Imagine that TikTok Live is like a stage where you perform. Here, you can build a community feel with viewers by engaging them through live chat. Go live with types of content that include chatting about random things with friends or fans, teaching how to do things, performing tasks live, and selling ideas or products. It is the best approach to get more views on TikTok, increasing your followers’ number, talking to your fans, and showing your unique character.

Hold on! Do You Meet the TikTok Live Requirements?

Before you jump into the live-streaming frenzy, make sure that you fulfill these requirements. 

  • You should be at least 16 years old
  • You must have 1K followers
  • You should have the latest version of TikTok
  • For live streaming access you need to have a verified account

How to Go Live on TikTok

Now that you’ve checked the requirements, it’s time to show the world your awesomeness. Following are the steps to go live on TikTok, depending on your device

How to Go Live on TikTok on PC 

Step 1: If you are a PC user, the following are the steps to go live on TikTok

Step 2: Click the Plus Button

Step 3: Click on the live option and go live

(Note: You’ll need to download and install streaming software to use the live feature on your PC. This process might involve a bit more technical know-how, so some additional research might be necessary.) 

How to Go Live on TikTok on iPhone & Android

how to go live on TikTok

If you prefer to go live on TikTok on your phone whether it’s Android or iOS, you have to follow the following steps:

Step 1: Tap the “+” at the bottom of the screen to create a new video.

Step 2: Switch from “Record” to “LIVE” at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: Add a catchy title for your live stream and hit “Go LIVE”!

How to Hide Chat on TikTok Live

As a viewer, sometimes you might be distracted due to chats during the live sessions. These are the steps through which you can hide chat on TikTok Live. Go to the live you wish to watch>Swipe Right to hide the chat>You can also tap the Share icon and select Clear display to hide the chat. 

How to go live on TikTok without 1000 followers?

An account must have at least 1,000 followers to begin broadcasting live on TikTok as already mentioned. So what happens when you lack enough followers but desire to know how to get live access on TikTok? If you are over sixteen years old but have less than a thousand followers, just create a support ticket for TikTok and ask them for the live feature. If the platform’s support team accepts your request you can use the live feature without having 1K followers.

Tips to Make Your TikTok Live More Engaging

Your TikTok Live stream can involve a nice strategy for improving your TikTok presence. The following is some advice on how you can make live streaming on TikTok more engaging to the viewers or audience that watch it. 

Before you go live

You need a clear strategy even before you go live on the app. These are the things you should consider before going live on TikTok. If you follow the below tips, you can increase your live sessions’ visibility by around 48.95%.

Plan and Promote

Choose a theme or topic that will resonate with your audience and consider giving it a catchy title to grab their attention. Make a short video beforehand teasing your live session and post it on TikTok and other social media platforms to build hype. Creators have reported a 35% increase in their live viewers when they promote it before going live. 

Pick the Best Time to Go live on TikTok

Before you go live on TikTok it is important that you find the most appropriate times for going live. The most optimal time for going live ranges from 6-11 am and 7-11 pm. The most recommended days of the week when using the app are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Try not going live on weekends especially on Sundays while your audience might be having some other plans.

Technical Check

Make sure you have a solid internet connection, good lighting, and audio quality so as not to frustrate viewers with technical glitches. This ensures a smooth interaction with your audience during your live sessions. 

During your live session

To make your TikTok live session successful you need to keep in mind the following points.

Be Interactive

This is key. Respond to comments, answer questions in real-time and call out people’s names so they feel recognized and included in the conversation

Giveaways and challenges

Incorporate interactive features like polls, quizzes or challenges to encourage participation. You could even do small giveaways as a thank-you to viewers who get involved.

Utilize TikTok Stickers

Use TikTok stickers in live session

Your viewers can use coins to purchase TikTok stickers based on how much they want to gift you. Those stickers can be exchanged in real-life currency and thus you can make money on TikTok live. You can earn around $100 for every 1k followers from TikTok live.

Collaborate with Others

Host a live session with another creator in your niche for a fresh perspective and to potentially get free TikTok views from your fellow creator. 

After your live session

You are not done just by going live on TikTok.To make your TikTok live session memorable you should consider these suggestions after your live session on TikTok.

Wrap Up and Thank Viewers

End your TikTok live on a positive note and thank everyone for joining. Briefly summarise key points or takeaways if you discussed a specific topic.

Post a Replay

On your TikTok profile, share the recording of your live session so the viewers who missed it can catch up. Make a short glimpse of your entire live session for the audience that missed your live feed. This will increase your engagement rate and people will be aware of your latest profile activity. Offer exclusive content or a sneak peek at your creative process to keep viewers engaged. This can even increase your TikTok profile views, making your account more interactive. 

As mentioned above you can utilise TikTok live to make money on the app. But there are some other ways too to build an income on TikTok. To know in detail about the same, refer to our blog – Everything You Need To Know For TikTok Monetization

Benefits of Going Live on TikTok: Here’s Why You Should Do It!

Still unsure about going live? Below are some reasons why you should try it 

Create Deeper Connections

When you go live on the app, your viewers will feel as if they are actually talking to you while you build lasting friendships and receive their feedback quickly. Also with the help of this feature, you can convert at least 5% to 10% of your non-followers audience to your followers.

Increase Visibility

Using the live notification feature people who may not have seen your posts otherwise will be interested in your profile. This can be great for getting more views on TikTok videos.

Also Read – Why is my TikTok not getting views

Show Off Your Skills and Expertise:

Could it be that you play some instruments, do standup comedy or have those creative skills? The best way to exhibit them is by airing live videos where people all over the world will know about your expertise and style

Increase Engagement

Live streams are interactive! Respond to comments, answer questions, and encourage viewers to participate. This back-and-forth with your audience can significantly boost TikTok engagement.

Beyond Going Live

Going live on TikTok is not just beneficial for just one platform. You can build a loyal fan base on the app who might be interested in your profile on other apps. In this way, you can also gain free followers on Instagram and on other social media apps with your live streams.

The Future of Live Streaming on TikTok

TikTok is not just about fire dance challenges anymore. Live streams are taking off, and they’re poised to be a game-changer. From shopping sprees to live concerts, get ready for a whole new way to experience TikTok. Let’s get into the future of live streaming on this platform

Shopping Integration

Live streaming is regarded as a robust tool for e-commerce currently. TikTok has already designed ‘live shopping features’ in order to allow creators to display and sell products on the spot during their streams. Furthermore, it allows tapping into the huge youthful population that is on TikTok.

Many famous brands like Nike, and Rihana’s Fenty Beauty have utilised this live shopping feature of TikTok to increase their sales by approx $10.25B and brand promotion. If you are a startup you can also make use of this feature to take your product sales to a new height.

Evolving Content Formats

Beyond shopping, expect to see more variety in live content. We might see things like live Q&A sessions with experts, live music performances, or even interactive game shows happening on TikTok Live. The platform is constantly innovating, so new formats are likely to emerge.

Focus on Community Building

The core of TikTok’s success is its strong sense of community. Live streams are a natural way to foster this by allowing creators to interact with viewers in real time. There can be features that enhance this in the future, like co-hosting abilities or improved moderation tools.

Overall, live streaming on TikTok is likely to become even more engaging, interactive, and commercially powerful in the future.

Parting Words

So there it is! You now know everything necessary for becoming a TikTok live streaming pro. But remember, the secret ingredient is always YOU! Authenticity breeds success online – so never shy away from being yourself and having fun with what you’re doing.

The whole point is just to let loose while recording these sorts of things because people want them to happen organically anyway. So stop waiting around, tap that “Live” button, and let your creativity flow straight through the roof of this app where everyone’s watching. Now go forth and conquer the live stream world!

People Also Ask

  1. How many followers do you have to have on TikTok to go live?

You need to have at least 1K followers to use the live feature on TikTok

  1. How to make money on TikTok live?

You can make money on TikTok live through the gifts that your followers shower on you during your live sessions. 

  1. How long should my TikTok live sessions be?

The app’s team recommends 30 minutes for live sessions, but you can go live for up to 60 minutes.

  1. Why can’t I go live on TikTok?

There can be several reasons why you are not able to go live on TikTok. Some of them can be having poor internet connection and not fulfilling the TikTok live requirements.

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